
International Conference - Lille, France (3-5 July 2019)

Envisioning the Economy of the Future, and the Future of Political Economy

Differences in views, positions and methods between official Marxism in China and the Marxism claimed by young activists
Hong Wong  1@  
1 : College of art, southwest university for nationalities

Chinese official Marxism tried to combine Marxism classical Marxism and Chinese traditional cultural history, the way of find a suitable for their own development needs, and young activists (and their leader) is mainly through the study of the theoretical interpretation of Marxist classics, and then to analyze the reality and came to the conclusion that so their understanding of China's reality generally on the more abstract theory, need of reality and history insufficient attention. On specific issues, young radicals mainly by "internationalism" against "country", and for the third world countries such as China exactly the crackdown on political and economic purposes of the imperialism, and at the same time they confuse Lenin to distinguish the two kinds of nationalism ", will support the development of China's economic and cultural thoughts are called "nationalism" against them, they are read out the conclusion is in line with international monopoly bourgeoisie "cosmopolitanism" purpose. View, there is no doubt that young militant stance, methods, and the official Marxism is different, they and official Marxist understanding of reality and the future development of China is different also, relatively young radicals view more theoretical, practical way more single and idealized, it isn't just a matter of experience and understanding, but also the question of road and direction.


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