
International Conference - Lille, France (3-5 July 2019)

Envisioning the Economy of the Future, and the Future of Political Economy

Is There a Way Out For The Emerging Countries?
Ziya Can  1@  
1 : Ziya Can

The area of International Trade is going through a unique process in history. While the United States, one of the flagships of liberal economy, is carrying out trade barriers through customs duties, the United Kingdom also endeavours to leave the Customs Union . On the other side, Chinese Communist Party is trying to preserve the free trade area, in contrast with its title and history. Germany, which is famous for its former aggressive policies and has a huge current surplus that ranks among the top 40 in GDP ranking and Russia with its rich natural resources thanks to its vast geography maintain their balance policies.

Are all these changes necessary for the continuation of the current system or is it a sea change where all that is solid melts into air? So, what should emerging countries do at this point where the neoliberal system has clogged? Is it possible to carry out a policy rather than being drifted into the middle of the war? Do these policies have a chance to succeed? This study tries to find answers to all these questions by examining the historical development of international trade in detail. By simulating the possible consequences of trade wars, it is discussed whether an independent policy is possible for Turkey and similar countries or not.

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