
International Conference - Lille, France (3-5 July 2019)

Envisioning the Economy of the Future, and the Future of Political Economy

206 Carlton (film screening and discussion)
Sylvia Nowak  1@  
1 : Queen\'s University [Kingston]

Using archival materials, 206 Carlton is a short experimental compilation-based documentary film that brings together a story of racism and resistance in the city of Toronto, through focusing on one address, one house. At the center of this story is Ernst Zundel, a former resident of 206 Carlton Street, and internationally infamous Holocaust denier. From this downtown Victorian townhouse he spread hate materials that found their way to the hands of hateful groups around the world.

This film provides a space for discussion regarding racism, resistance, freedom of speech, media representation, and as well, copyright. It connects the past to the present, where tactics and technologies may have changed but the ideas remain. 

The duration of the film is 14 minutes.

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