
International Conference - Lille, France (3-5 July 2019)

Envisioning the Economy of the Future, and the Future of Political Economy

The Double Movement and the Passive Revolution: the historical material dialogue for a critical reading about the global south.
Pedro Henrique Neves De Carvalho  1@  
1 : Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte

Antonio Gramsci and Karl Polanyi pointed out the means for a secure understanding of the productive social relations linked to the beginning of the 20th century in a near methodological condition. A method understood through the classical arrangements of Marxism, absent from economic determinism. In spite of the distinct formative biases, the theoretical conceptual bulge of each has a problem in common: the unfolding of the market society after the end of the principles of the Victorian world order. Another point that unites them was the skepticism about modern Marxism as a sure philosophy to understand reality. They are critical and for doing so they had advanced over other areas to develop new arguments by overcoming the intransigent critical framework of Dogmatic Marxism of the Second International. Faced with historical and methodological facts that approach 20th century thinkers, the purpose of this paper is to offer an epistemological reading that will allow an approximation between the Polanyian and Gramscian bases. This approach is justified by the political-economic transformations experienced in the first decades of the XXI century. And in the face of this approach the present paper structures a methodology of analysis and an order of propositions for the political-economical practice of the global South nations in the face of the conservative and nationalist wave that has embraced contemporaneity.

It is pertinent to emphasize that the authors are trans-historical intellectuals. The works of Gramsci and Polanyi wander until today touching the incompleteness of reality, fostering new understandings about historical problems, serving as guides for political action on the subject of the social changes envisioned. Thus, the paper works the gramscian conceptual basis on the passive revolution framework and the organic conditions of hegemony; still, anchored in the conditioning elements of the movements elaborated by Polanyi recovering the elements of deinstitutionalization of the social factors within the economic practices. And this exercise will allow us to develop a critical reading on the pillars of the political-economic practices of the nations of the global South, as well as to structure a conjugate of propositions to deal with the transformations of the present.

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