
International Conference - Lille, France (3-5 July 2019)

Envisioning the Economy of the Future, and the Future of Political Economy

Women's Work in Livestock Economy
R Vijayamba  1@  
1 : Indian Statistical Institute [Bangalore]

Women's unpaid work in the livestock economy plays a very important role in the social reproduction of labor and sustaining the household economy. The processes of production of goods and services are integrated. Women 's labor in livestock farming, income, employment, nutrition and inputs for agriculture.


Female work participation in the countryside has been liberalized in India. One of the reasons is that the definition of work does not capture all the activities of women. Women's work in farming is one such important economic activity in which the number of men and women is not underestimated.


This paper presents an estimation for women's work in the livestock economy using various secondary sources of data. It also tries to look into the trends of women's participation in livestock post liberalization and the reasons for it.


The paper criticizes the definitions of production of the boundary of a system of national accounts (SNA), ILO Resolution on Statistics on Work, Employment and Labor Underutilization (19th ICLS), and the Indian System of National Accounts. in livestock raising. It is used in India (National Sample Survey Office and India Human Development Survey).


The major arguments for the paper are that the domestic sources are also reporting to the situation. These women need to be counted as workers. Time is a better tool to estimate women's unpaid work. Women's participation in various economic activities is reflected in the labor force participation. The decline in women's participation in livestock rearing post-2000 is due to the ongoing shift of livestock production to large-scale commercial farms and the crash in global prices of milk post-2010.


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