
Colloque international - Lille, France (3-5 juillet 2019)

Penser l'économie de demain et le futur de l'économie politique

Wapping - The Workers' Story
Christopher Reeves  1@  
1 : Christopher Reeves

Wapping - the workers 'story'  is a film about the momentous year-long industrial dispute which began in 1986 when Rupert Murdoch plotted to move production of his papers from London to London. docklands district in east London.

5,500 men and women lost their jobs and centuries of tradition in one of London's last manufacturing industries came to an end.

Military-style police tactics, the battle against the unions, and the fight against the enemy.

The dispute had international ramifications for Murdoch 's expanding press and broadcasting empire in the United States and around the world.

It took place in the post-war consensus and embraced monetarism - deregulating finance, privatising key industries and undermining local democracy.


You can watch the movie's TRAILER here: https://vimeo.com/311110278

The documentary is being made with the International News Dispute Archive group whose publications, website and traveling exhibition have given a voice to the sacked workers and their families.



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Personnes connectées : 61