
International Conference - Lille, France (3-5 July 2019)

Envisioning the Economy of the Future, and the Future of Political Economy

Papers > By author > Czech Sławomir

Basic income as a tool for changing gender division of labour
Anna Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz  1@  , Zofia Łapniewska  1@  , Sławomir Czech  2@  
1 : Jagiellonian University [Krakow]
2 : University of Economics in Katowice

For centuries women were held responsible for care labour, which they have provided for members of their own household for free. Gender division of labour has been implemented regardless of economic system (capitalism, socialism), and men's participation in labour market has always depended on unpaid care labour provided by women. Due to such features gender division of labour could be treated as an institution. Due to their care responsibilities within families women have been disadvantaged in labour market, but also in some other aspects of their lives (like pension systems). It is therefore possible to claim that gender division of labour is the base of gender inequality.

The idea of basic income gains nowadays more and more attention due to technological and social changes. Among benefits of basic income one may find its positive influence on eliminating inequalities at least at the floor level. We would like to explore the link between the two mentioned issues – gender division of labor and basic income. More specifically, the question that we would like to answer during our workshop regards the possibility of using basic income as a tool to alleviate gender inequality through changing gender division of labour.

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