
Colloque international - Lille, France (3-5 juillet 2019)

Penser l'économie de demain et le futur de l'économie politique

Consultation des communications > Par auteur > Jabbour Elias Marco

Socialist Market Economy: A New Socio-Economic Formation. A Complex Mode of Production
Elias Marco Jabbour  1@  
1 : School of Economics/University of State of Rio de Janeiro

The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the growth of the state sector in the Chinese economy, accelerated since 2009, opens conditions to conclude that the "Chinese model" is something that is distancing - historically - from a typical model of "state capitalism" and further away from being a "liberal capitalism." Faced with a range of evidence, we affirm that "socialist market economy" can already be classified as a new Socio-Economic Formation (SEF) that has its main attribute in complexity, since it implies that it is a formation marked by the coexistence of different social structures / formations. It is in this new SEF that "socialist market economy" is founded as a Complex Mode of Production (CMP). Because it is not a pure MP (MP), "socialist market economy" must be treated as a phenomenon governed by combinations between different modes and relations of production. Classifying and exposing the laws governing the development of "socialist market economy" will be the object of analysis in this work.

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